Know the resources around you, including agencies and groups that provide safety training. Be a resource to someone else who may need help preparing. During a major disaster we will depend on each other.
Get trained
- CPR: Local classes offered with Red Cross & Western Dakota Tech
- Take a CERT: Community Emergency Response Team, Class
- Know and refresh your emergency kit
Help a neighbor, help a friend, spread the word
Get connected with your community
- Find out about and join a local Fire Corps
- VIPS (Volunteers In Police Service), RCPD, PCSO
- Find out and become a part of Pennington County Search and Rescue
- Find out and become part of a Volunteer Fire Department
- Find out more about Amateur Radio Clubs in Pennington County.
Connect with your neighbors to help each other
- Talk to your neighbors about how you can work together during an emergency.
- Find out if anyone has specialized equipment like a power generator, or expertise such as medical knowledge, that might help in a crisis.
- Decide who will check on elderly or disabled neighbors.
- Make back-up plans for children in case you can't get home in an emergency.
- Sharing plans and communicating in advance is a good strategy.